TikTok Hashtag Scraper

TikTok Hashtag Scraper

Scrape videos associated with the hashtag

This tool is a powerful automation tool designed to extract valuable information from TikTok videos associated with specific hashtags. TikTok is a social media platform known for its short-form videos, and this tool enables users to gather insights, track trends, and discover content related to their chosen hashtags. Whether you're a content creator, marketer, or researcher, this scraper simplifies the process of collecting essential data from TikTok videos.

How to use the TikTok Hashtag Scraper

  1. Install the GoLess browser extension.
  2. Select and open the TikTok Hashtag Scraper in the marketplace.
  3. In the popup window, provide the keyword (hashtag).
  4. Set the number of results you need extract from TikTok.
  5. Click "Run."

Input data:

  • Keyword (Hashtag)
  • Set limit of per results

Data Scraped:

  • Text
  • Diggs count
  • Shares count
  • Plays Count
  • Create time
  • Video URL
  • Duration
  • Author
  • Author’s avatar URL

Frequently Asked Questions

How many results can the workflow scrape?

This is not limited. You can scrape all results of product into Google Spreadsheet.



Last update

07 September 2024

Created by

Elliot Smith

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