AliExpress Items Scraper

AliExpress Items Scraper

Extract information about AliExpress products based on product URLs or categories. Collect information such as price, image, description, and more others.

This is a robust tool designed to efficiently extract comprehensive information from AliExpress product URLs or categories. This automation simplifies the collection of essential details like prices, images, descriptions, specifications, reviews, and customer Q&A, providing valuable insights for various business applications.

Why Should You Use This Automation?

This scraper is designed to efficiently extract a wide range of data from AliExpress product URLs or categories. Gathering essential details such as prices, images, descriptions, specifications, product reviews, and customer Q&A from sellers becomes effortless. The extracted data can be utilized in reports, spreadsheets, databases, and applications, providing valuable insights for market research, pricing strategies, competitor analysis, and more.

How to Use and Get Started

  1. Install and Access: Install the GoLess browser extension and access the AliExpress Items Scraper from the marketplace.
  2. Input Data: Provide the relevant input data - either product URLs or categories - within the specified table (each link in a separate row in column A).
  3. Configure Output: Set up the output table ID where parsed results will be exported.
  4. Specify Quantity: Define the number of products for which information needs parsing.
  5. Initiate Scraping: Click 'Run' to commence the scraping process.

Input Data:

  • URLs of product or category

Data Scraped:

  • Price
  • Product image links
  • Product description HTML
  • Product characteristics HTML
  • Feedback details
  • Product-specific questions and answers

Questions and answers:

1. How many URLs can the workflow scrape?

  • The scraping capacity is constrained by the number of rows in a Google Spreadsheet, allowing a maximum of 1000 links.

2. Can I specify multiple category links?

  • Yes, the scraper supports scraping an unlimited number of product categories.

3. Can I combine product links and category links for scraping?

  • Absolutely, the tool enables simultaneous extraction for both specific product URLs and product categories.



Last update

09 June 2024

Created by


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